This is me when I was in the 4th grade. That year I had to leave my two best friends, breaking up the Three Musketeers, to move from Missouri to Kansas. Even though I was just moving across the state line, I was devastated. Moving is tough. I had to go to a new school and meet new friends. Then I met my teacher, Mrs. Knorr. She immediately made me feel special and had a way of making learning fun. She even told me this school picture made me look like a movie star! My school experience was generally based on my teachers. If I didn't like my teacher, I didn't like school. I sure loved Mrs. Knorr because that was the year I decided I wanted to be a teacher. I knew I wanted to be the kind of teacher who made students feel loved and made learning exciting.
This is me now. An educator in Kansas by day. A writer by night. And always an advocate for our youth.
After graduating from the University of Kansas, I began my teaching career over 25 years ago. I have taught many different elementary grade levels, and one of my favorite things to do is get kids excited about reading! Whether it is using puppets with younger kids or creating book reviews with older students, engaging students with a great story is magical. My love for writing came from my love of reading. I hope my writing makes you smile or touches your soul. When I'm not hanging out with students or writing, I love to travel and spend time with my family.